Life, Death, and Life
Posted by iStone | Posted on 6:08 AM
OK, I suck at keeping a blog on a consistent basis. Let's just get that out of the way right up front. I say it a lot, but, as long as that's the case, I'll say it. Now on to today's entry...
A very dear, beloved friend of mine passed away on Friday, April 09, 2010, less than a week ago. My wife and I have been good friends with he and his wife for quite some time. We are walking through this initial phase of grief, funeral arrangements, paperwork, etc., with his widow. She is now the only person living in her home, grief stricken and unsure of how to handle all that needs to be done in such a short time. My amazing wife has stepped in to stand beside her, to help her through all that she needs to get done. She is actually spending the week with her in her home. I sit at home with our two teens, homeschooling them, creating a memorial service "program card" for the funeral on my Mac, and grieving here. This coming Saturday, just 8 days after our friends passing, friends and family will say their last goodbyes at the memorial service. From then on, we all continue in the grief process, each of us in our individual way. We will be there for one another, and life will go on. For our departed friend, life goes on as well. Notice that that phrase says, "departed". That is because he isn't dead. He simply moved on. He is now with JESUS in Heaven. Had he passed away in his youth, perhaps that wouldn't be the case. God gives us all ample opportunity to accept JESUS and follow Him. It is up to us to make the right choice. Our Father in Heaven loves us so much that He created each of us with a free will to accept Him, or to reject Him. It is our choice.
Life is a journey, a quest, a pilgrimage. Life here on earth is just a starting point for every human. We begin here, and live here for whatever time we have, in preparation for the next phase of our lives elsewhere, whether it be eternity in Heaven with our Creator (Yaweh, Yeshua, Holy Spirit), or an eternal life of eternal separation from Him and of unending, unimaginable torment in the lake of fire. Our Creator doesn't send anyone to either place. The choice is ours, and ours alone. That being said, if you don't know what your future holds were your human life to end today, it is a very good time to repent (change your mind and ways) and turn to JESUS, accept Him into your life, and follow Him. He will be the Best Friend that you will ever have, a Friend that sticks closer than a brother. His love is boundless and powerful. He already paid the ultimate price so that you don't have to spend eternity without Him. It's just up to you. It's that simple. There is no perfect "sinner's prayer" to pray. Simply let JESUS know that you are sorry for leaving Him out of your life, sorry for your sins, and that you want Him to live in you through His Holy Spirit. Let Him know that you want to follow Him, and that you'll need His help to do just that. He'll take care of the rest. Your Father in Heaven is faithful. He will never let you down.
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